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Calm Your Jitters With Sedation Dentistry

sedation dentistry  Scott Young, DDS

It isn’t unusual to find dental care a subject of great fear. Dental anxiety can be so severe that people avoid visiting the office for check-ups and put off their treatment as long as possible.

Does that sound like you? Know this: You’re not alone. An estimated 20% of people avoid dental care due to this phobia.

There are several reasons why you might be afraid to seek out dental treatment, including

Whatever your reason for your dental anxiety, the bottom line is that you’re putting yourself through unnecessary discomfort and pain. And that’s not even including the greater risk that you’ll develop complications from not getting dental care in a timely manner.

There is an easy way to avoid those anxious thoughts and feelings when visiting Scott Young, DDS, for your dental care and treatment.

Sedation dentistry: Feel calm and relaxed while in the dental chair

Certain medications can be given through an inhalant, a pill, or an IV, so you can achieve a level of sedation that will help you to relax and feel comfortable during your dental visit. The very definition of sedation is “inducing a relaxed, easy state,” and Dr. Young has four levels of sedation available, depending on the severity of your dental phobia and the treatment necessary.

Light sedation keeps you awake but relaxed, and it’s great for check-ups and basic treatment as it takes the edge off your nerves and enables you to let go of those anxieties during your dental visit. Light sedation is also used if you might need to spend a lot of time in the dental chair for several treatments to avoid having to come back for repeat visits.

Moderate sedation is a deeper level of conscious relaxation. You might not even remember  what happened during your visit to Dr. Young’s office. This level of sedation is great for tackling anxieties over the procedure itself, the local anesthetic used and how you might feel throughout the treatment.

Deep sedation takes you to the edge of consciousness and into a “twilight” state, where you can still be awakened when needed, but you’ll probably find yourself dozing your way through the dental procedure.

This is different from general anesthesia, where medication leaves you unconscious and unaware.

Then there’s NuCalm

NuCalm® is an innovative calming system that uses technology to mimic what occurs in your brain right before you fall asleep. NuCalm uses four combined techniques to help you reach deep relaxation reliably and quickly:

You simply lie back, relax and fall into a deep relaxation while Dr. Young takes care of your teeth.

Sedation dentistry is a fantastic way to avoid those anxious thoughts and feelings while you visit Dr. Young for your dental treatments here in The Woodlands, Texas. With a wide range of sedative options available, our team will help you find the right one for your needs and phobia.

Simply contact us today by phone or through our website to book your consultation and discuss how you can beat your jitters and restore your teeth to their natural health and whiteness.  

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